Lockdown 2

Things return to the "new normal" with everyone having to get used to the advancedĀ PPE recommended for everyday life! Taking the kids to the park A stunning location, well it could have been - now it's just a site for salvaging anything of use. When walking the dog, you never know who you might meet…

Tour of India

Having paused my fictional road trip of the Mid West, I have embarked on a Tour of India - At least I've been there several times. I love India. It's vibrant, friendly and you can always hear music playing - even if you can't put your finger on the tune! The almost complete statue of…

Mid-West Road trip

A fictional road trip through the Mid-West in the near future. Entering the the Mid West Farmers Project The old garage during harvesting. An old coin-slot ride outside the General Store Wind Turbines line the road on which the robot trucks travel. Drone crop sprayers hard at work The WALDO MkII Lifter maybe old, but…