Tour of India
Having paused my fictional road trip of the Mid West, I have embarked on a Tour of India - At least I've been there several times. I love India. It's vibrant, friendly and you can always hear music playing - even if you can't put your finger on the tune! The almost complete statue of…Mid-West Road trip
A fictional road trip through the Mid-West in the near future. Entering the the Mid West Farmers Project The old garage during harvesting. An old coin-slot ride outside the General Store Wind Turbines line the road on which the robot trucks travel. Drone crop sprayers hard at work The WALDO MkII Lifter maybe old, but…Sky Skills Studio
Sky Skills tour and schools curriculum activation
adidas MISSION
Design for a B2C and B2B space for adidas at Euro 2016 in France
Sunglass Hut London Fashion Week
Sponsorship strategy of London Fashion Week
London in Lockdown
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Lorem ipsum dolor
Fios ipsum glavrida dolor lorem quis efficitur felis. Duis pharetra for amet ultricies glavrida.